Hope your weekend went well we had such a fantastic weekend spent with family, friends and favorite places.
Saturday morning we had a real treat when Bill, Daphne and their entire family came over for a real country hoe down BBQ. Let's start with the food there was chicken, ribs, pork, corn, salads, potatoes, angry onions (personal favorite), roasted veggies and lots of desserts. We really ate until our bellies were overstuffed.
Activities included: bubbles, trips to the lake, horseshoes, catch, manhunt, campfire sing alongs and most importantly the most vicious/amazing mashmellow fight in Canada. More of that to come later.
Bill below just roasting a weenie! He is such a treat and can tell you anything about birds or how to renovate a bathroom. He also made us fresh bread and buscuits so the carb free days will have to wait until later on.
Here is the lovely Daphne- she plays a mean accordian and can make anyone feel welcome. She also gave us so much of her clothes. If we wanted the house she would have given that us too!
Meet the kids we have Darlene in the back with Derrick and then Debbie and Diane. They are such sweethearts and were so helpful bringing most of the food and all the cleanup. We had so many good memories that will last us a long time.
Meet the Grandkids- we have Amanda in the purple who is 13 and shes a real sweetheart. Then we have Melissa who is 17 and can throw a mean baseball. Then William who is 18 and is a trooper with his younger cousins keeping them occupied. Then Mya who is 4 and she is the life of the party. Then we have Brittany who is like the animal whisperer and can make any squirrel feed right out of her hands.
Here is Rick who is married to Darlene. He should become a world champion mashmellow snipper because she whips them so hard at close range that they could leave a welt. I've never been so scarred and thrilled all at the same time in my life before. He leaves no mercy for the young or old they all get it at the same force...
Just a living and loving in unity! Nothing more relaxing than sitting back, toasting your feet and singing to a tune by campfire.
After we left Bill and Daphnes on Monday morning we headed for Hamilton for the night. Upon arriving at the Howard Johnson we realized I had yet again picked a scuzzy hotel! It had the many ammenities including a hooters and yuk yuks in the building. Our view included a dumpster that blocked our personal entrance. The best part of Hamilton was my good friends came to get me and bring me into Burlington! We had such a fantastic meal at Emma's and had such good laughs. Then we went for gelato before returning back to the hotel. The only picture of the night was the food since I forgot to get one of our beautiful faces. Thanks again Ang, Lee and Jenny for the wonderful evening!!
We left Hamilton in the morning after I broke the waffle machine and headed towards Niagara Falls. The drive wasn't that terrible at all and the falls were very misty. We only stayed long enough to get a picture and fridgy but this one is a keeper! Nan was happy she came because she didnt think they were that big but she said they could turn your stomach just thinking about that water!
We then ventured to one of our favorite stops- Niagara on the Lake. We had a wonderful morning of twacking (NFLD term for shopping). We also had a wonderful lunch at an Irish cafe.
After lunch we did some more shopping and had an ice cream (no suprise there haha). For many years Mom has wanted to do the horse and buggy tour and seeing as though we don't know if we will be back we decided it should be now or maybe never. It was enchanting and well worth it. We headed back to our hotel after this and it was not 2 minutes into the car until the skies opened and the rain came down in cats, dogs and mooses! We were such lucky ducks! The hotel is increadible and super nice for a change. Tonight we plan on heading back to "The Donut Diner" a diner that claims it has 2.99 breakfast all day long for dinner and then renting a movie in the hotel room tonight.
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