Welcome to day 2 I hope you had a relaxing day cause ours was full of twists and turns LITTERALLY!
First of all this morning all three of us were up and awake- rearing to go and positive at 5:30 am. Now don't fret we got lots of sleep since we all conked about around 9pm last evening. So Mom and I ventured out in Farmington at a lovely 6am time to walk around.
It was increadible- the town is so charming and had so many amazing houses. They are very patriotic around these neck of the woods.
Being the history buff I am I was thrilled to see posters of historic places in Farmington. While downtown we found this amazing fact. As some of you may know Mom has an allergy to the cold so she litterally wears her earmuffs from October to June. Little did we know that the inventor of the earmuff is a Farmington Native- oh the things you know.
This is where the day got rocky and yes we haven't even gotten in the car yet. We set out on the Number 2 highway at 7:30 am thinking that we have left early so the day will be sweet. Let me tell you something- the road is the windy, slow and nauseating. What we thought would take us an hour to drive ended up being 3 hours. So needless the say I thought I would puke before mid morning. By the time we got to lunch we had been in the car for 5 solid hours and I was fit to be tied and badly having a meltdown. We had allready gotten turned around once and all I wanted to do was get out of the car. I saw a Friendlys out of the corner of my eye and litterally went over a sidewalk nearly beating the arse off the car to park. Luckily it was just what the doctor ordered, Mom ordered salad (surprise surprise) Nan ordered apple crisp (surprise surprise) and I had a boca burger and some veggies and dip. It was so hot 37 degrees and our ice cubes litterally melted before I got back from the bathroom.
The sights of Maine, Vermount, New Hampshire, Massachusets and Conneticut we interesting. So many large trees, rivers, mobile homes, cars and farms- things that you would think you would see.
Other more interesting things we saw were stop lights litterally in the middle of the highway (see pic above), curtains that had never been washed (comment from Nan), no word of a lie 60 storage facilities (we think either storing drugs or bodies). During these wonderful times of "living and loving in unity" (the motto I have used for this trip) my throws out a lot a lovely newfoundland saying "our arse is duntched" meaning your bum has gone comatose along with the feeling running down your legs.
The day was becoming increasingly longer and longer yet we kept pushing on. Where I had estimated we would have lunch in Bennington Vermount we cruised through around 4pm. A little behind schedual is actually alot behind schedual. Yet we pushed on, I grabbed a iced coffee and Jennifer Neatles (sugarland) and plowed along thinking 130 miles we would be there in no time.
About an hour into post coffee and the end of the sugarland CD I was feeling the need to pee yet we are litterally in the forest so I hold it. We finally come up to a gas station, I walked into the station in relief just to find out that they only have a porty potte. OK so not thinking I plow into that thing thinking pee my pants or surfer. I think in the long run I should have peed next to the garbage can instead. See next picture to find out why.....
When it has been between 30 and 40 degrees all day a porty potty is seriously like the hottest, stinkiest place on earth but no big deal I made it and we plowed on. Nan on the other hand thinking we were about 30 minutes away decided to hold it. Well when 30 minutes turned into 90 minutes because the roads were so curvy it was interesting. At 7pm, yes 11 and half hours driving we finally made it to Danbury. Big mistake to drive that far. We ate at Applebees but by the time we got some food in our system we were all almost in a diabetic coma. So thats it for today..... blog was long cause our day was even longer. But we are still together, still enjoying ourselves and no big issues just lesson learnt. Must eat before 7pm.
Tommorow we hit the interstate for the most part (yahooooo), we get to experience Hershey PA (sugar coma!!!!!) then hopefully to Gettysburg PA for the night.
Lots of love- see you tommorow xo
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