Hope your undies are dry and you are comfortable cause we are taking you on an adventure with us....
Who are we- Laura (most of the time it will be me behind the keyboard) Mom or Nancy as you might know her ( she will be the editor of the spelling errors I am bound to make) and Nan or Doris (lady who is forced to sit in the back and is along for the hell of it)
Destination- anywhere but here in this stinking hot appartment- let's get serious we are driving across the US then back through Canada- NUTS??!? Probably but who cares
Ok so lets take a look at Day minus 1 pictures
Mom already hates this beast of a cooler- she is really quite the size.... she plugs into the cigarette lighter in the car (don't worry Mom is already nervous about the battery) but she can hold quite a feed and we are pretty pumped about that. PS this is also Nans BFF in the backseat with her.
OK so you might ask why is this bag important- WELL LET ME TELL YOU- Mom does not believe in luggage you must pack your overnight bag for each night... so to all you Acadia loves Im taking you with me...
This is Ruth she is an old veteran with 130,000 clicks on her already.... but she is as clean as whistle thanks to Mom cleaning her out in the 30 degree heat today
PS what is not clean are the pee marks on the pavement from Molly- stinks like urine (check) but we miss the beast already
Ok so back to the luggage- tiny car yes- Moms favorite addiction (CONTAINERS) we get only 2 each..... yes you read that right 2 freiken containers but hey we can make it work! Here is a little sneak peak of the stuff I brought....
So thats it for today bloggers- we hit the road tommorow at 8:30 sharp and the destination for Day 1 is Farmington Maine..... hope to see you there :)
Lots of love
Thelma (Laura) Louise (Mom) and Nan
Have a fabulous time, girls. So glad to be able to hear about your travels in this blog. Miss you already.